Mindset + Energy Coach
I'm so happy and grateful to be sharing this information with you because I know just how powerful coaching is, and how much it has changed my life. My hope is that it will change yours too.
I'm Shivhan, a Mindset + Energy Coach whose passion is to help creative entrepreneurs breakthrough their limitations, unleash their authentic truth and live a life in alignment (with who they really are) in mind, body + spirit to transform, empower and heal their lives. To feel more joy, more calm, balance, confidence and abundance in both life and their craft.
One thing I'm particularly passionate about is helping my clients feel more connected to themselves, their inner knowing and complete acceptance of who they are. To believe in themselves so deeply, and love themselves on an unshakeable level that what was once thought to be beyond their reach doesn't seem so impossible anymore. To open their eyes to the fact that their own thoughts + beliefs co-create their own reality. That life is happening FOR them, not to them, and live a life of true abundance.


You see, I used to live a life so out of balance -- out of balance physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. I was always 'doing' and never reflecting. Always busy busy busy, but never stopping to smell the roses, rest or find moments of inner peace. Always saying yes to everything thinking 'once xyz is over, then I'll have a chance to breathe for a bit', but it never seemed to change. I kept telling myself, "I'll find balance WHEN..." but the when never came. I was stuck in masculine energy & mentality; overworked, stretched too thin and burned out because I felt like that's what I "should" be doing.
And I remember feeling like a didn't have a choice. I accomplished so many incredible things, which was amazing, but I also neglected to have balance and take care of myself on the inside while doing so. And if it wasn't absolutely perfect, I was really hard on myself. I thought that by "doing more" and "having more" that was living a life of abundance, but little did I know it was the complete opposite.
I realized I had to do some deep inner work to figure out how to start living a life that was balanced in all areas, and one that was completely my choice. A life that felt abundant on the INSIDE. What I discovered about living in alignment with true abundance was that our beliefs about ourselves and what we are worth along with our own vibrational frequency dictate how much abundance we experience.
Throughout this process of personal and spiritual growth, I let go of things that had been holding me back for YEARS, that I didn't even realize I was holding on to. I feel more connected to myself than I ever have, truly feeling radical self acceptance, and show up for myself every day in a way I never had before. This is what I hope for you too.
What began as my own journey turned into something much bigger than myself - becoming a coach to share this amazing work with others. And to live a life in alignment and feel true abundance inside - that's where the magic happens.
Love + gratitude - Shivhan

"You don't need to believe in magic.
You need to believe in yourself. You are magic."